FlowSDK  3.701
Structure from motion and Multiview stereo Interfaces
Jump start

— FlowSDK quick start —
Before starting, please remember to activate the dlls on the development machine using the turboactivate interface.
For a jump start, you can have a look at the example in the "example" folder. Please remember to copy the "x64" and "dependencies" folders in the redist directory after compilation. The example will automatically run a complete reconstruction on all the images that are placed in the "images" folder.

— License —
3Dflow grants to you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license of the FlowSDK libraries for the solely purpose of internal evaluation and testing. Any commercial usage or redistribution of this package is explicitly forbidden.

Directory list
/dependencies: Runtime libraries required by FlowSDK (CUDA, Turboactivate and Visual studio redist libraries).
/doc: FlowSDK HTML documentation.
/include: FlowSDK header files.
/x64: FlowSDK runtime libraries compiled for windows x64 architecture.
/example: a basic FlowSDK usage example, with Visual studio 2015 projects files.
/turboactivate: FlowSDK license manager. You need to copy the turboactivate.dat and turboactivate.dll in the same directory of the executable, in order to run the sdk. A one time activation with turboactivate.exe is required before calling any FlowSDK function from the machine.