Dear all,
It is sometime difficult to find the right path to build a mesh.
1) some pictures can be rejected, but you do not know why.
Zephyr should tell us why. (I take pictures with a very good Nikon camera, excellent lens, properly focused and exposed. V8 beta seems more sensitive that 7.5).
But why ?
- which parameters should be tweaked ?
- May be it is possible to improve contrast, adjust exposure so that sequential pictures are understood as such, etc
2) for difficult cases, it would be useful to select an area of interest, say 5 to 10% of the total points cloud
- Zephyr would generate say 10 different versions of meshes based on default/advanced tweaks
- Ideally it would be close to Wysiwig, if the subset is small enough and you have enough processing power
- You would then select the set-up that looks best.
- Then re-run with all useful points
Regards, Philippe