Camera Extrinsics Export Coordinate Frame

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  • Waelyn
    Blossoming 3Dflower
    • Nov 2024
    • 1


    Camera Extrinsics Export Coordinate Frame

    Hi folks,

    I'm trying to use Zephyr to verify the extrinsic calibration for my camera rig. I'm exporting the camera poses and the reconstructed positions look perfect and align with the coordinate frame visualization in the lower left. But I can't for the life of me figure out what coordinate frame the rotations are supposed to be in, they don't seem to be the camera's X forward Z up pose, they don't seem to be the camera's optical pose (Z forward, X right, Y down).

    The positions are clearly the pose in 3D space of the camera origin so 3 questions:

    What coordinate frame specifically does the rotation represent? (OpenCV optical frame? Some other convention?)
    If I export as TXT -> ZYX does the column output order of the Euler angles match that? I.e. is the first column Z and the last column X? Or is the first column X and the last column Z?
    And are these euler angles intrinsically or extrinsically applied to get the final transforms from origin to camera?