3Dflow bug bounty program
You can help development of 3DF Zephyr in many ways: joining our fantastic community is the first step to send comments and ideas on how to steer the development of the new features that will be included in 3DF Zephyr.
We truly appreciate all feedback, ideas and bug reports.
For those willing to go the extra mile, you can now join our bug bounty program: if you can find a bug in the latest available version of 3DF Zephyr (Free,Lite,Pro or Aerial) and successfully tell us how to replicate it 100% of the time, you can win life-changing prizes such as t-shirt or mugs!
Submissions of bug bounties must be done using our ticketing system at the URL http://support.3dflow.net/support/tickets/new
You can find all open bounties in this page: check back often!
Open bounties
- BUG BOUNTY #000 – Generic bug
Frequently asked questions
Q: I found a bug but i have no idea how to reproduce it. Did I win something?
A: Unfortunately no, sorry! You must send a report on what the bug does and – most importantly – how to systematically be able to reproduce the bug.
Q: I found a bug in an older 3DF Zephyr version. Did I win something?
A: If the bug is still present in the most recent version available for download and you have provided us steps on how to reproduce it (and they still work in the current version) then sure!
Q: I found a bug in the beta edition of 3DF Zephyr / I found a bug not specified in the open bounties. Did I win something?
A: Good bug hunters (that constantly and continously help us) may get special prizes even if the bugs found are not listed in the open bounties.
Q: I found a bug that i can 100% replicate but only on my machine. Did I win something?
A: If we can setup a remote desktop session to investigate, then yes 🙂
Closed bounties
- BUG BOUNTY #001 – Gizmo shenanigans